Wednesday, November 12, 2008

With Love

The Three Wonderful Women In My Life
Meryl Streep

My one and only Mum
Look closely, do they look alike?
if they don't i'll post the other pics of them looking alike ..teehee:)

'Mum' is such a simple word,
But to me there's a meaning behind it that is rarely heard,
For everything i am today,
My dearest mother who's the one that leads me the path to today and forever.

Mum, i look at you and see a walking miracle,
Your unfailing love without limit,
Your ability to soothe my every hurt ,
Makes me so grateful and lucky,
The example you set is still in my deep heart's core,
I'd never want any other,
I'm thankful for what you have taught me that still remains with me today,
And I'm truely glad to call you 'Mother'.

Nobody's quite like you ,Mum.
You're special in everyway,
That makes dad and me love you more everyday in each of our lives,
You're my lovely and motherly Meryl Streep,
And also,
The Beautiful and kind-hearted Angelina Jolie ,
For I see you in each of them,
Them in You,
Because you're different,
As you're beautiful inside and out,
Like they are too.

For all the the times I didn't say,
The love i feel for ypou each day is unconditional,
read this so you can always see ,
Just how much you mean to me ,
I gaze in wonder,
As I watch you being you ,
my miracle, my mother.

Happy Birthday , Mum!!

p.s You're ---...and still going strong ,e.g Meryl Streep(59) :))


this is the poem i wrote on my own that surprised her this morning and a compilation of her favourite songs in a disc.. haha:)

copyrights reserved for this poem

Angelina Jolie

6 'lectures':

Anonymous said...

wow you're so brave to put your mom's age
if i were you i don't dare tell pll about my mom's age

Syuen said...

may iknow who are you anonymous??

Anonymous said...

must i tell you a keeper =.="

Jasmine ;D said...

nice poem weii syuen :D
btw i'm JASMINE (:

mia said...

cool poem, glad you feel that way about your mum, i tried to keep full attention to the article but cant cuz of the song MAMA MIA,not cuz its horrible but the total opposite, I DONT KNOW HOW YOU GOT THAT TRACK!!!!
i've been trying to download meryl (is that how you spell it?) streep's version of mama mia!!!!
but any time i type mama mia, the other songs from the movie come 'honey honey' or 'lay all your love' or 'take a chance on me' or 'voulez-vou'...well you get the point... as for your comment, i do not go to school in SMKBJ... but i used to go to school in SKBJ...n i can prove it... SK Buuuuukittt Jelluuuutttooong, sekolah kesayangan ku(school song right?, composed by the most strict music teacher i have ever met). now i go to school in KL...and my name is Myra,mai.ra.
and did i ever tell you off in your blog???
if so i am sorry, i was telling off Aqil... its sorta a hobby of mine.hehe.
so you are Aqil's friend i presume?

mia said...

oh, wow.
angelina jolie???
you're like my mum...(eeerrr, not in a freaky way, my mum admires angelina for the fact that she can raise such a large family...and of course having brad as a boyfriend/father of her children)
and yes, i do love mama mia! anytime i feel sad or frustrated i'll just play the movie and feel good after i watch it...
about the mama mia song, i have been trying to find the songs on Ares Galaxy, but i cant, because everytime i type the words "mama mia!" into the search engine, the song mama mia wont come up... but the other songs from the MOVIE mama mia comes up. i tried to borrow the soundtrack from my friends but they wont hand it over!!!
as for my e-mail... its, i have myspace,facebook,friendster and myyearbook... but i dont really use much of friendster,myyearbook, nor myspace... i'm mostly either on facebook or on blogspot.
as for wanting to know me better... why?
and thanks for saying the pictures were nice... my friends are a bunch of loonys who i love... but are still crazy. oh well, what can you do?