Tuesday, November 18, 2008

8.46a.m on 9/11 Part 1

At 8.46a.m ,you maybe be mowing the front lawn, or you'll be making breakfast for a family of four or having your morning shower. At 8.46a.m, you can wake your teenagers from their sleep which is usually filled with dreams. At 8.46a.m , may be the time you'll find yourself hurrying downstairs because you are running late for work.

8.46a.m is the time which changed many people's lives in mere minutes and is also the time when the world's tallest building crushed down to mother earth on September 11th 2001.

Autumn, is always the season that children look forward to, to have the times of their lives. But, this time, it would be unusual , different,because on this very day , September 11th, it would be the day that would change the whole world, and the day that people would never know what was going to happen next as more was yet to come . As usual, I was rushing for work , again . It took thirty-two minutes to drive from my house in Brooklyn, the east side of New York to the World Trade Center in central New York, Lower Manhattan . I hurried downstairs in my socks, carrying my shoes and files which I had brought home with me over the weekend as I am a Corporate Lawyer and also the director for my firm.

After the thirty-two minute drive to Lower Manhattan, I parked my car at my usual place where I walked from , to the office everyday, As usual, the smell of freshly brewed cofee drew me into Starbucks . I , myself , who's a coffee addict purchased a steaming hot cup of coffee and a bagel. As I walk , I could smell the fresh air being breathed in to my trachea and then to my lungs , it was a pleasant and beautiful morning with the birds chirping around here and there,and hearing the footsteps of other people walking slowly enjoying and savouring every bit of that wonderful morning.

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