RIGHT.. the other David was the winner of American IDOL season 7 2008..wow..
I mean, he was soo prepared to give up and lose and also be the 1st runner up ..HE CRIED..CRIED ..and CRIED ..when he won ...MOM CRIED TOO ..HAHA
p.s i was LMAO when my mum cried so hard ..
the two davids..
DAVID COOK : Oh My God.. This is AMAZING ..sob ..Thank You everyone!!!
Then he sang TIME OF MY LIFE!!!
DAVID ARCHULETA stood with the finalists of A.I and smiling with his cute smile...awwwwww..
I HAD A GOOD DAY ..despite something shocked me so much ..PERFECT ..
I was HIGH today..HIGH yeah.. i just DON:T KNOW WHAT GOT INTO ME .. guess i'll have try to figure out myself why i could be so high occasionally..hah
I got my science results today and it was GOOD hehe..
MY tuition teacher said :
"Hope you can get higher than this.. 3 careless mistakes..sighs..MUST get higher..and better .. try to avoid having these mistakes"
I was like 0_0..he expected more than this ..GAWD!!! i felt my jaw touched the ground..THAT LONG ..
So.. i went out today .. after my tuition ..so i just couldn't watch my Mr. and Mrs. Smith for the 23 rd time ..sad ..
yup.. i heard you .. 23 times ???!!!!..haha
It;s coming out on the 29th of JUNE and i'm gonna watch the day itself..
As usual starring ANGELINA JOLIE....ah.. my so called " mum" ..hah joking ..
There's this girl in my class, i bet she doesn't even know what's a trailer..
She kept asking me about the movie like was it nice??? Is it cool ???
and i said : 'duh??!!"
then, i ask her to watch the trailer of WANTED..
AND .. she said i have no time!!!
so until now .. i bet she doesn't even have time to watch the trailer...although exam's over ..'very busy'..hah..
Tomorrow is teacher's day the day we thank our teachers ....NOT
except for my mum ..
i still have to go to school cause i'm forced to ..but i'm gonna bring my cam and my PSP yay!!!!
That's all ..wish me luck for tomorrow's teacher's day ceremony ..
hope i don't doze off out of boredom..
MY dog, zie zieTT
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